Tuesday, February 04, 2014

a good time to start planting seeds

Now that the sweet potatoes are planted, I think it a good time to start planting some onion seeds. Its only 2 weeks early. My husband found my bags of potting soil in the shed over the weekend and they are thawed out by now. I still need to find the seed trays I saved and run them through the dishwasher. Then I need to locate some labels. If I can't find some little wooden ones from last year, there's usually something plastic in the recycling bin that I can cut into labels.


nBoer said...


Your last frost date is the same as mine, although I generally consider it a week earlier. I planted Leeks and Onions yesterday wondering if I was a couple weeks early, but feeling the need to start.

May the season start well!

Robin said...

Silly question - how do you plant seeds when the ground is still frozen?

kathy said...

Hey Robin, The ground is under a foot of snow too! Plant your seeds in pots. Then put the pots on the window sill or under grow lights. I'll be posting photos of mine soon.

pam_chesbay said...

If you need plastic for labels, pick up a mini blind at the dollar store. You can cut each blind into several sections for labels. Very fast, very inexpensive. One mini-blind will make enough labels for years!