Wednesday, July 22, 2009

today's harvest

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lettuce harvest garlic harvest

The vegetables are coming in very fast now. Fava beans, summer squash, potatoes, radish, lettuce and garlic today. I dug about 30 heads of garlic which I will dry a few days and then braid and store in the basement.


Marian(LondonUK) said...

Great stuff Kathy, at the moment we are without lettuce, my succession planning went wrong and I am annoyed that I need to buy from the supermarket for the next couple of weeks. Still, it is hard to get it right sometimes, we learn, as a friend recently said "in life every day is a school day" true. Picked our first dwarf french beans, cabbage and more potatoes, beetroots good for my sister, I am not keen on them.
An allotment neighbour gave me Kohlrabi(?) not sure what to do with it, any ideas anyone???

JoAnn Freda said...

I just got back from visiting my son in Roxbury and I was very impressed with the quality and number of community gardens right in Boston. We walked and rode bikes all over and it seemed like there were community gardens everywhere. They were beautiful and appeared to be untouched by any kind of vandalism. Everyone I spoke to said that I came visiting at a good time because it had been rainy and miserable for about 6 weeks. Skippy is adorable!

Adriana said...

So jealous! Garlic is one of my favorite crops.

Jennifer said...

I love your bag! It looks so big and heavy-duty, maybe hemp? Did you buy or make it?

Linnyhb said...

Such great pictures and produce. I love reading your blog.

Tara.G said...

I'm officially jealous!!

kathy said...

That big bag was sold at Whole Foods back in the spring here for about $1. My kind of price. But the grommets haven't held up. Its a nice looking bag for very light weight items. I can't recommend it for anything other than looking good.